Let's play a game
Think of your favorite chef.
Who comes to mind?
Odds are that you can drop a few names whether it's your mother or one of the greats in the culinary hall of fame.
Now think of your favorite farmer.
Can you name anyone?
When I play this game with strangers, they often can't name a single farmer.
Even people working in the food industry struggle sheepishly admitting they can't think of a famous farmer or even recall the name of a person that grows their food.
Most of us are disconnected from the people who put food on our plates.
While farmers are the foundation of our food system, they don't have the same brand recognition, star power, or respect that famous chefs get.
Too often they live in the shadows under-valued and unrecognized.
This is leading to a generational crisis.
In Europe, less than 12% of farmers are under the age of 40.
Young people don't want to work in this industry.
It's not sexy.
It doesn't pay well.
There's no vacation.
And it's characterized by industrial, chemical agriculture, which poisons people and the planet.
The good news is that a new generation of farmers are entering the field showing that there is another way forward.
They are making agriculture sexy by...
🌾 Farming regeneratively
🌾 Pursuing innovative business models
🌾 Having a balanced life
🌾 Supporting diversity
Top 50 Farmers is putting a spotlight on these role models who are transforming our food system and building a better future through food.
With each edition, we hold an open call to find 50 regenerative farmers that are doing things differently.
These farmers showcase diversity in crop, age, gender, business model, and location. Some are already 100% regenerative, others are just beginning the journey to transition their land. All are working towards phasing out pesticides.
As part of the Top 50 Farmers network, farmers gain access to
a community of like-minded farmers across Europe
resources to help them grow and run their business
marketing and publicity
an outlet to share their ideas for scaling the regenerative movement
If you know a regenerative farmer in your community, sign up for our newsletter to nominate them when applications open.